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  • Writer's pictureKyle

Beanie Maxi Bought 4 Bored Apes After Changing His "Market Opinion." Find Out More Here:

Updated: Feb 8, 2022

Notable NFT Investor Beanie Maxi has taken many positions on the Bored Ape Yacht Club in the past, but after his actions today, he is clearly bullish on the club’s future.

Earlier today, Beanie went on a bored ape shopping spree purchasing four Bored Apes for 178.33 Eth or about $858,000 USD.

“When presented with new information, I'm not afraid to change my market opinion,” Beanie tweeted after his shopping spree. “And I'm not gonna miss this BAYC run. The Bored Ape legend @tropoFarmer kindly advised on these purchases. Wanted to get one with the BAYC brand and logo for commercial value, Bowler, DMT, and King.”

The four bored apes that Beanie purchased were Bored Ape #7983, #5228, # 7150 and #7381.

While Beanie was not specific about what new information made him change his market opinion, his recent tweets seem to explain his decision to ape into the BAYC.

Yesterday, Beanie tweeted about Universal Music Group’s NFT music group deal featuring three bored apes and a mutant. “This is the most bullish NFT news since Adobe announced web3 integration. Not many talking about it either, but it’s a big deal,” he tweeted.

Prior to this, Beanie also commented on the BAYC’s strong performance during NFT NYC and the impact Ape Fest had on the club's value.

“Bored Ape prices have held up better than anything during the past week since the NFT NYC hangover wore off, Beanie tweeted on November 11th. “Undoubtedly they put in the highest effort for their collectors by a mile. Nothing even close to them. Could the market really be putting a value on community engagement?”

Along with this tweet, on November 11th Beanie also commented on the BAYC’s impressive upward price action since the mint earlier this year.

“To put things into perspective, Bored Apes floor can fall another 70% and still be up over 100x from mint cost,” Beanie tweeted on November 7th.

Based on these tweets, it seems that Beanie believes the BAYC is a well ran, top tier project with lots of potential going forward.

Check out the bored apes beanie purchased today below:

Bored Ape#7381

Fur: Brown

Notable Traits: King Crown

Bored Ape#7150

Fur: Pink

Notable BAYC Hat, Hawaiian Shirt

Bored Ape#5228


Notable Traits: Bone Necklace, Bowler Hat

Bored Ape#7983

Fur: DMT

Notable Traits: Tuxedo Tee, Hypnotized eyes

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