ELECTION 2022: Find Out More About Special Council Candidate BoredApeG’s Goal For The DAO
The ApeCoin DAO Special Council Election season ends today, and the community is about to determine who will be on the board in 2023.
After weeks of campaigning the $Ape community is set to select three new Special Council members to join Yat Siu and Alexis Ohanian on the ApeCoin DAO’s board in January 2023.
As the Bored Ape Gazette previously reported the ApeCoin DAO selected Veratheape, Degentraland, Gerry, Herb, and BoredApeG to be its Special Council nominees during the first round of voting last week.
To find out more about the five candidates, the Bored Ape Gazette reached out to each of them this weekend and asked them three questions about the DAO and their goals going forward.
Take a look at the Gazette’s interview with BoredApeG below:
“I am the best individual who can lead navigating us through our operational issues. APE Foundation/DAO is going to continue to lag behind Yuga’s needs if we cannot build out our operational infrastructure. Im here to do the unsexy work - this is the seat I am looking to fill. Yuga for regulatory reasons cannot help ApeCoin DAO - we need to address our issues if we want to be an effective partner with Yuga and others. Until then, we are holding back the potential of ApeCoin Here is my full post outlining our issues and why I’m the best to lead us:
2: What are your thoughts on AIP 183 being rejected? As a Special Council Member What do you plan to do going forward?
“I drafted the initial Transition Plan to respond to AIP-183 potentially failing, which kicked off rallying our community. AIP-183 failing validates that we as an ApeCoin community gave enough confidence to key stakeholders - that we are capable of further decentralization. From that initial plan, the community has answered the call and evolved to a new plan that involves an RFP process for a new administrator and further decentralization of APE Foundation work: https://forum.apecoin.com/t/bored-aip-bringing-order-and-reliability-via-ecosystem-decentralization/10160
“What will I do going forward? More of this! I may initiate plans, but I know I’m here to only facilitate. Our community is full of incredibly smart individuals. Everything I have done for the DAO so far has been through educated professional guessing. I will be so much more effective being privy to confidential information and understanding what are the best ways to work under the conditions of the Non-Disclosure Agreement which Special Council members are subject to.”
3: If elected, what’s your top priority and what do you hope to accomplish?
“The immediate priority is successfully navigating the potential replacement of Cartan (RFP in January 2023) and the further decentralization of the Administrator’s work. I expect that showing the strength of our Special Council team to work with the community, by finding success through this immediate priority, will set the tone for the rest of the year. It is my hope through this that we will collectively accomplish decentralizing all tasks that are reasonable to not be left with Cayman Island vendors.”