LAST CHANCE: $Apes Have Until 9 P.M. To Nominate Themselves For Governance Working Group Steward!
Election season is in full swing around the ApeCoin DAO, and tonight is $Apes' last chance to nominate themselves for one of the eight open positions around the swamp, such as the Governance Working Group Steward race!
The ApeCoin DAO’s third election season is heating up and the window for $Apes submit their last second applications and announce their candidacies close tonight’s 9 P.M. EST!
One of these positions that the ApeCoin DAO will be voting to fill this winter is the Governance Working Group Steward spot.
For those who are unfamiliar with this role, Governance Working Group Stewards are “responsible for providing neutral and objective governance oversight and support for the operations of the ApeCoin DAO,” according to current Steward, Amplify who wrote the proposal that created the Governance Working Group Steward positions earlier this year.
Current Governance Working Group Steward AllCityBAYC recently described the role as the DAO’s project managers. “Look at us like the DAO project managers,” he said on a recent ApeCoin space. “We create the initiatives, we manage those initiatives, we draft and implement budgets, policy changes, we are really on the front lines in terms of all that good stuff.”
As the Bored Ape Gazette previously reported, there are three Special Council Member spots, a Governance Working Group Steward position, two Marketing and Comms Working Group Stewards seats, and two Metaverse Working Group Stewards jobs up for grabs this election season.
The window for ApeCoin DAO Contributors to nominate themselves for the Governance Steward role, or any of the other $Ape office races, is currently open and $Apes have until tonight at 9 P.M. EST to apply and begin their candidacy!
The Bored Ape Gazette will continue to follow the Governance Working Group Steward election and will bring you interviews with every candidate soon. Stay tuned for updates!