Evaluate. Market has created a new way for users to evaluate the Bored Ape Yacht Club market.
“Attention Bored Ape Yacht Club Owners, We now have Bored Apes on our site for you to analyze," Jeffifer Sutto said in an announcement on Evaluate. Market’s twitter.
Evaluate. Market's Bored Ape section is a great tool for apes and non apes alike. Users will now be able to easily analyze each Bored Ape individually or research apes based on specific traits .
Users can also check out the floor price for specific traits and view sales data from the last day, week, month, 3 months, or all time.
Evaluate. Market also has a new feature that will give Bored Apes the ability to check their BAYC account’s value. This feature also lets users check out other users accounts and see what apes they’re holding.
Many Bored Apes were excited to learn that the BAYC has been added to Evaluate. Market.
“You just gained 4,000 new users,” BAYC293 tweeted. “Great Work.”
Many in the BAYC are already familiar with Evaluate. Market because of their in depth analysis tools for NBA Topshot.
Be sure to check out Evaluate. Market’s new BAYC tool here: https://evaluate.market