As the price of a Bored Ape soared over Memorial Day weekend, crypto enthusiast Jacob Meyer knew it was time for him to ape in.
“I Felt like if I really wanted in I needed to just bite the bullet and go for it,” Jacob said. “Everything I was seeing was looking like apes were growing stronger and the community seemed dope.”
Jacob’s concern of missing out was not “fomo”, it was reality. As the Bored Ape Gazette previously reported, the floor price for a bored ape rose dramatically as many new apes (and some famous whale collectors) scooped up apes left and right.
While Jacob could have bought a floor price ape, he told the Gazette he chose to spend a little more on an ape that really spoke to him on a personal level.
“At first I wanted to just buy the cheapest ape to join the community,” Jacob said. “But then I wanted one I cared about that wouldn't completely bankrupt my eth.”
The ape jacob eventually chose, was bored ape #7210.
Bored ape #7210 is a 7 trait blue fur ape sporting a caveman pelt and bloodshot eyes, according to rarity tools .
Jacob is yet to name his ape, but he told the Bored ape Gazette that Ape #7210 really spoke to him and that he saw a bit of himself in the ape.
“I also like the stoner vibe because I used to be a big stoner but I only really like to smoke with other people when I'm hanging out - which is great because I got invited to a baked ape discord which has been really cool!”
So far Jacob has made himself right at home at the Bored Ape Yacht Club and is looking forward to connecting with many more apes.
Be sure to follow Jacob on Twitter @Jacob___Meyer