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  • Writer's pictureKyle

ON THE BALLOT: This AIP Aims To Introduce $Ape To The Never Fade Podcast Audience

In an effort to make sure that $Ape holders ‘never fade’ another DAO vote, Good Month Labs’ Ape Improvement Proposal aims to keep the space informed and incentivized to participate with all things $Ape!

AIP-268 titled “ApeCoin DAO Voting Adoption Driven by Good Month Labs,” is an ecosystem allocation fun proposal written by ApeCoin DAO Contributor GoodMonth.

“Over the past 6 months, Good Month Labs has established a web3 podcast called Never Fade,” he explained. “The Never Fade podcast has proven distribution across multiple web3 communities and can be used as a distribution point to drive hype around the Active AIPs to show the DAO’s consistency & effectiveness. Using its Cake platform, Good Month Labs will create a custom dApp to incentivize adoption of governance by allowing the engaged audience of Never Fade to earn $APE. A scalable dApp will allow for deeper integration of networks in the future.”

In total, GoodMonth and his team are asking the ApeCoin DAO to allocate $69,420 USD to their project. With this money, GoodMonth will create 24 podcast episodes where they will discuss $Ape, build a landing page where their listeners can inspect live AIPs, and provide $Ape to their listeners in exchange for their DAO participation. Take a look at their budget breakdown here:

“We have a native audience to our podcast following and we feel comfortable persuading them and motivating them to get involved in the APECOIN DAO if we can have a hand in curating the experience, this is our main motivation building our own tech with an effort to curate the experience for our listeners,” GoodMonth wrote.

The window to vote on AIP-268 opens tonight at 9 P.M. EST and $Apes will have until next Wednesday, August 16th, to cast their coins.

ApeCoin DAO contributors can read GoodMonth’s full proposal here:

The Bored Ape Gazette is working to find out more about AIP-268 and the Never Fade podcast. Stay tuned for updates!

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