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Q&A: Find Out More About Degenda's AIP That Aims To Keep $Apes Up to Date On The DAO

Web3 is a busy place and the $Ape community is voting on an Ape Improvement this week that aims to make it easier to keep up with the DAO!

AIP-247 titled “Promote DAO Participation through Degenda,” is a process proposal written by ApeCoin DAO contributor and Degenda Chief Technology Officer, DegenBen.

“Degenda ( 2) is a community engagement platform that increases visibility for DAO proposals and announcements,” DegenBen explained.” In-app DAO voting will be integrated into the platform to make it as quick and easy as possible for DAO members to vote on upcoming proposals. The platform also enables all-in-one-place event/ announcement tracking for multiple Web3 communities that overlap significantly with ApeCoin DAO members.”

The Degenda platform is made up of a project portal where the ApeCoin DAO could promote information to holders, a web application, and a mobile application, according to the proposal.

In total, the Degenda team is asking the ApeCoin DAO to allocate 11,940 $Ape to fund their four-phase plan to promote the DAO via their platform.

Phase one will include the integration of ApeCoin DAO with Degenda’s platform. In Phase two, they will Hire ApeCoin Dev Talent to develop the platform’s in-app DAO voting. Then, during phase three, they will develop in-app DAO voting, followed by its integrating this into their mobile application. Then in Phase four they will continue to collaborate with the ApeCoin community for future modifications to the platform.

“By subscribing to Degenda’s community engagement platform, ApeCoin DAO can streamline the process of staying informed about upcoming proposals, bolster participation in DAO voting, and improve access to relevant information,” DegenBen wrote.

To find out more about Degenda and AIP-247, the Bored Ape Gazette reached out to DegenBen for an interview. Check it out below:

1.In a sentence or two can you tell me a bit about Degenda?

“Degenda is a community-engagement platform for the Web3 space. We provide a quick and easy way for holders to participate in their projects without having to live on Discord and sift for events and announcements.”

How and when did Degenda start?

“My co-founder and I founded Degenda after this last NYC ApeFest! During grad school we both actively participated in several NFT communities, but found that we were still missing out on events, announcements, claim windows, etc. The problem was we just didn’t have time to dig through all the chaotic Discord servers.

We built Degenda to be a solution for other Web3 enthusiasts (like us) that want to keep participating in their projects, but don’t have the time to be going through all of their Discord servers hoping not to miss the next hot thing. When you connect your wallet, the events and announcements for all the project’s tokens you hold are automatically populated into your instance of the app.”

What inspired you to write this AIP?

“In addition to NFT communities, DAOs are huge Web3 communities where member participation is critical. This AIP serves as our gateway into serving the DAO communities by integrating the ability for users to review proposals and vote directly from their mobile devices.”

What other DAOs do you work with?

“None at the moment. We want to start serving DAOs beginning with ApeCoin. It made sense to start with ApeCoin given its status as an innovative DAO and that many of its holders also hold other tokens that are already supported on the Degenda platform.”

How do you plan to get ApeCoin DAO Contributors to use Degenda to keep up with the DAO?

“The App is freely available on both Apple and Android, which we will advertise and work with the ApeCoin Twitter account to make that knowledge public to all ApeCoin holders. We would also love to work with the Bored Ape Gazette to advertise this new way of staying informed on and voting on new AIPs.”

Why is Degenda better than the DAO’s current Discourse page?

“I wouldn’t phrase the question as whether Degenda is “better” than the Discourse page - but rather, can we use additional 3rd party tools like Degenda to increase ApeCoin voter turnout from ~0.9%? The forums and Discourse page will always have there place in the DAO, but we are hoping to serve users that want to participate but don’t have the time to engage via the forums and would prefer to quickly read proposals and vote from the mobile devices. Higher voter participation = Better democracy!”

Do you have anything else you’d like to add or say?

“I’d add that both me and my co-founder fundamentally believe in the underlying technology behind Web3, and that DAOs in particular are going to reshape the landscape of communal decision making. We want to help build foundational tools that help web3 grow into the mainstream by providing an easy, low-friction way for everyone to participate.”

The window to vote on AIP-247 is currently open and $Apes have until Wednesday, August 2nd, to cast their coins.

ApeCoin DAO Contributors can read DegenBen’s full proposal here:

The Bored Ape Gazette will continue to follow this week's AIP and will keep you posted on all things $Ape. Stay tuned for updates!

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