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Shotgun.Tobi Is Running For Marketing& Comms Working Group Steward! Find Out Why:

Shotgun. Tobi is looking to be a voice for women and Asians at the ApeCoin DAO and share the $Ape ecosystem with the world as one of the community’s first Marketing and Communications Working Group Stewards next year!


After a month of Twitter Spaces, interviews, and politicking, it’s time for the $Ape community to cast their votes for the two $Apes they want to represent them as Stewards on the DAO’s newly created Marketing and Communications Working Group.


For those who are unfamiliar with this role, ApeCoin DAO Contributor and creator of the MarComms Working Group, SSP wrote that the group’s mandate was to “propose a consistent and compelling brand strategy and identity for the ApeCoin DAO, propose and implement comprehensive marketing and communications strategies, and help establish a strong presence through effective global communication efforts in order to onboard more users into the DAO.”


With that in mind, the Bored Ape Gazette reached out to Shotgun. Tobi and asked her why she’s the right $Ape for the job! Check out the full interview below:


1. In a sentence or two can you sum up your crypto journey and how you got into Web3?


“I decided that I was in a good position to do riskier plays and investments mid-pandemic, and so I got into crypto in March 2021. I got into NFTs in October that year, loved the social and community aspect of it (in comparison to crypto trading), resigned from my corporate job in Feb 2022, and now I’m here!”


 2. Why should the community pick you to be its Marketing and comms working group steward?


“There are 2 seats for the role. One seat should go to a seasoned marketer with brand building expertise. To be frank, this is not me. But I’m the candidate that best compliments said role- I have experience working with ApeCoin DAO, I am community-centric, and I have the execution skills to get the working group moving.”


3. If elected, what do you hope to accomplish in your first month?


“Lots of research diving into what historically has and hasn’t worked for the DAO, and working with my co-steward on developing the best 2024 plan.”


4. Why should people outside the Yugaverse be interested in $Ape?


“We’re a global community who want to build cool sh*t!  Within the Yugaverse or not, a valuable idea can be brought to life with the help of the DAO. The DAO is filled with passionate and talented people who will support and engage builders, and holding $APE, even without an Ape NFT, does open up access to that.”


5. What is your goal as marketing and comms Steward? Why should you, and why do you want to, market $Ape?


“My goal as a Marketing & Communications Steward is to empower $APE holders to want to be active in the DAO, and be proud to hold $APE. We should market $APE because it’s powered valuable projects and initiatives that only so few are aware of. ApeCoin definitely needs more attention, and if it gains that traction and awareness, together with a proud and active community within the DAO, it should be easier to onboard new users, and power more value into Web3.”


6. Of the other candidates, who would you like to be Marketing and comms steward with and why?


“Popil or Linstro. Both of them have strong marketing backgrounds which I feel I can complement well while working with either one of them.”


7. Who’s someone who inspires you and why?


“My grandfather! He’s the most intelligent, humble, and kind man I had the pleasure to know.”


8. Do you have anything else you’d like to add or say?


“Thank you Bored Ape Gazette for this opportunity to share my voice! Win or lose, I’m grateful to have gone through the Election Process and meet so many amazing nominees-turned-friends on the way!”


The window to vote in the ApeCoin DAO’s Marketing and Communication Working  Group Steward election is currently open, and $Apes have until next Wednesday, December 13th, at 9 P.M. EST, to cast their votes here:


The Bored Ape Gazette is working to interview every candidate. Stay tuned for updates!

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