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  • Writer's pictureKyle

Jenkins The Valet& The Writers Room Are Writing A New Story And They Want To Feature Your NFT!

Jenkins the Valet and the Wirters Room are putting pen to paper to tell a new episodic story featuring several NFTs from across the Web3 ecosystem that will be anything but boring.

A lot has changed around the swamp over the last two years, but one thing that remains is Jenkins' love of storytelling.

"Looking at @LadyApeFundy and @CapetainTrippy, two apes I’d been with since the beginning, made me realize that so much had changed in the last year since I published Bored & Dangerous,” Jenkins tweeted last week. “@writersroomnft, it's time to write our next story.”

This new story will be an episodic tale that Jenkins and the Writers Room will collaborate on, while the Tally Labs team will digitally publish it for free, allowing anyone to read.

“Writers Room members will have the opportunity to license their characters to the story using a Writers Room NFT,” The Tally Labs team wrote on its blog. “We’ll make best efforts to include every licensed character. Priority will go to higher Writer Room NFT tiers: so if you have a Yacht and you license your character, then you’re guaranteed to be featured first and more often than a Stand, and so on. Moreover, all Writers Room members will have the chance to contribute and influence the story. This collaborative effort will begin with world-building questions but won’t stop there.”

The window to license your NFTs will open next week in the project's Writers Room Avenue. Each Writers Room member will be able to license one NFT and the story’s first episode will be released in August, according to Tally Labs.

For more information on Jenkins' upcoming story check out the primate's blog here:

The Bored Ape Gazette will continue to follow Jenkins new story and will let you know when you can read it, Stay tuned for updates!

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Waters Charlie
Waters Charlie
Apr 24



Susan Batten
Susan Batten
Feb 28

I like reading stories like this. The authors definitely have a talent for writing. I can't brag about it. That’s why I turn to an argumentative essay writer to write an essay or dissertation. I am happy that I found helpers and it became easier for me to study in college.

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