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Legends Of The Mara Becomes A Reality Tomorrow! Here's What You Need To Know:

The Legends of the Mara are about to become a reality tomorrow as Yuga Labs launches its highly anticipated strategy video game based on Otherside and the metaverse's inhabitants, the Oda!

Tuesday will be anything but boring across the Yugaverse as Voyagers journey to the Otherside for Season 1 of Legends of the Mara!

“Legends of the Mara Season 1 open beta goes live Sept. 26,” Yuga Labs tweeted from its OthersideMeta account along with a 64 second teaser trailer. “During S1, hatch Mara. Koda holders, get a head start on farming Fragments and hunting Shattered. Beta loot will be mintable at the end of each season and include items for LOTM’s expanding gameplay.”

While we do not know everything about the game, we do know that LOTM will be an 'Idle game,' which does not require voyagers to be constantly playing. Also, we know that the first major choice that Voyagers will have to make is which type of Vessel to nest on their land.

“We recognize that some holders are particularly busy,” Yuga Labs’ VP of Product, CFort9 tweeted last week. “LOTM is an idle experience requiring less day-to-day engagement. For most players, the first week in LOTM will be about incubating and hatching your first Mara. This first season is all about preparing for the challenges ahead, so it’s ok to take your time. There will be many seasons you can use to develop your capabilities.”

LOTM will begin with Voyagers having to choose whether they should nest a Hunter, Farmer, or Enchanter Vessel on their Otherdeeds first.

“The strategy behind Legends of the Mara starts with the decisions we make as collectors,” Tucker wrote on Yuga Labs’ blog in May,2023. “The game embraces a variety of different play styles, each with their own strategic advantages. The decisions you make as a Voyager will not only guide your journey but will influence the experience of other players in the ecosystem.”

Remember, Farmer Maras work towards finding sediment fragments and a Seasonal Catalyst to transform Maras into a more powerful Kodamara, Hunter Maras fight the Shattered and collect treasure, and Enchanter Maras boost Hunter, and Famer Maras ability perform their duties.

As the Bored Ape Gazette previously reported, in order to participate in Legends of the Mara tomorrow, Voyagers must burn their Otherdeeds for Yuga Labs’ new dynamic Otherdeed collection dubbed “Otherdeed Expanded.”

By burning their original Otherdeeds, Voyagers will receive a new Otherdeed expanded NFT along with either a Farmer, Hunter, or Enchanter Vessel that they can nest on their land once LOTM begins on September 26th.

For more information on claiming a Vessel and burning an Otherdeed for an Otherdeed Expanded NFT, please visit Yuga Labs’ website here:

The Bored Ape Gazette is working to bring you more information about LOTM and will keep you posted on tomorrow’s launch. Stay tuned for updates!

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