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  • Writer's pictureKyle

'ONBOREDING': These Bored Ape Yacht Club Members Are Welcoming New Primates To The Swamp With @WelcomeApes

Updated: Feb 17

Bored Ape Yacht Club members have banded together to create the swamp’s first welcoming committee, which hopes to greet new Apes with some early BAYC vibes and onbored them into the community!

photo credit: Meirav Haber

Things are anything but boring around the Yugaverse after a bunch of Apes took action and created the ‘Welcome Apes’ following a Monday morning conversation between BAYC members on the 'Coffee with Captain Morning' show!

During the nearly four-hour broadcast, longtime BAYC member VickiJEth and BAYC newcomer, BullaBulla, who joined the swamp after attending ApeFest 2023, discussed the importance of Apes feeling seen and being heard by club members.

"In the months that followed (joining the BAYC) I looked at the website, joined the Discord and a few Twitter groups but was surprised at the lack of centralized information about how to navigate the BAYC system," Bulla explained.

With those challenges in mind, Vicki, Bulla, and a bunch of other primates discussed ways to get new Apes more involved not only with the online BAYC community but also with the in-real-life local community chapters!

“This idea spawned into the newly formed Welcome Ape Committee, an initiative designed to help them find their way around our huge eco system,” Vicki told the Gazette. “We have so much to offer let’s help new members on bored!”

Three days after these conversations took place, BAYC members VickiJEth and 'Coffee with Captain’s Chris Jourdan held the group first meeting, launched the Welcome Apes Twitter account, and began brainstorming with a bunch of Apes old and new about way to make joining the club feel like a big and boring experience.

“First impressions are powerful, it's the greatest club in the world - and new members should have a world-class onboarding experience," Jourdan said.

Following yesterday’s launch, the welcome committee introduced itself to the broader BAYC ecosystem with a new copy pasta!

“The @WelcomeApes is a new part of the  @BoredApeYC culture,” counless members tweeted. “This page is a must follow for the community so that we can welcome new members collectively to the club. Follow @WelcomeApes& tag new club members with @WelcomeApes.”

At this time, the Welcome Apes committee is working together to come up with ways onbored new BAYC members and plans to host its first ‘Welcome Wednesday’ meeting next week!

“This initiative is special because it’s full of people who love the club, understand it’s magic and are eager to help newcomers feel that’s same feeling,” BAYC Member BaronVonHustle said. “The club is an amazing network of people and getting to know each other is one of the most special parts.”

BAYC members who are interested in joining the Welcome Apes committee can reach out to the group on Twitter @WelcomeApes


The Bored Ape Gazette will continue to follow the Welcome Apes initiative and will keep you posted on their onboreding work! Stay tuned for updates!

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