As Voyagers get ready to break on through to the Otherside later this week, this Bored Ape yacht Club member created a new trait-based battle game to help the community catch up with the Kodas!
On Monday, BAYC member Zebra released his new game Koda Vs. Koda: Battle of The Traits.
“Decoupling is coming,” the game’s website stated. “Who really knows the Kodas? Join the Battle of the Traits. Challenge other Kodas. Get a KodaFart for every win. Collect as many farts as you can. Best players will get rewarded.”
In the Koda Vs. Koda: Battle of The Traits game, users can either select their Koda or pick random Kodas to battle one another on the basis of the Koda’s traits and the creature’s Otherdeed home.
“Each Koda can fight against any other Kodas,” Zebra said. “All the traits, the location etc. are compared and the better one wins the battle. For each Battle Win there is a Koda Fart. The one with the most Koda Farts is on top of the leaderboard and gets rewarded. The top Kodas in the Leaderboard will be rewarded - more details will follow later this week!”
Everyone is welcome to participate in the Koda Vs. Koda: Battle of The Traits whether they own a Koda or not!
Apes that are interested in taking part in this epic battle can check it out here:
The Bored Ape Gazette will continue to follow Koda Vs. Koda: Battle of The Traits and will keep you posted on the game’s leaderboard later this week!