It was a uuge night in the Web3 world as President Donald Trump took over the timeline with the surprise launch of his memecoin, $Trump. Many people aped in and made a bag, including the CEO and Co-Founder of Juice Finance, SirYield, who cashed out and treated himself to a grail hoodie-wearing CryptoPunk!
Friday night might just go down as one of the biggest in crypto history. President Trump, who is set to be inaugurated on Monday, shocked the world with the release of his official memecoin, which skyrocketed to a $30 billion market cap in less than a day.

Amid the frenzy, Juice Finance creator SirYield turned his comfy memecoin profits into an even comfier purchase—a 170 Eth or $563,000 USD hoodie-wearing CryptoPunk!

Che mossa audace nel mondo degli NFT! Il CEO di Juice Finance, SirYield, ha recentemente acquistato un Punk con felpa per un incredibile 170 ETH (pari a 563.000 USD), utilizzando i profitti generati da $Trump Memecoin. Questo acquisto dimostra ancora una volta come le criptovalute e gli NFT stiano rivoluzionando il panorama finanziario globale. Scopri di più su queste opportunità innovative e prova il brivido del gioco su!