BORED & BRIGHT FUTURE: Voyagers Get A Glimpse Of Building on Otherside And Discover How It’s Powered by $APE!
The future of Otherside is looking both bored and bright this evening after one of the first-ever Ape builders gave the community a glimpse of what building will be like, and Yuga Labs’ Co-Founder Gordon Goner shared what all this could mean for Apes and Web3 going forward.
Things were anything but boring on Tuesday after Bored Ape Yacht Club member and Alpha Otherside Development Kit builder Tropical Virtual shared a two-minute video highlighting the customizability of an Otherdeed, revealing that everything from the sand to the mountains can be changed to make Voyagers' dreams a reality.
“Here's a glimpse of what its like to build with a Bone Deed Content Kit inside the ODK,” Tropical Virtual tweeted. “Love the freedom to build my environment as I please while utilizing tools from @Msquared_io to make my world come to life and have friends join in right away. Ready to see the @OthersideMeta Dashboard filled with worlds from Apes and communities across Web3. Built with ODK, powered by #ApeChain.”
Following his post, Yuga Labs Co-Founder Gordon Goner took to the timeline and asked the community to imagine what Otherside will be like when everyone is able to get in there and build out their lands as they see fit.
“Now imagine thousands of builders. Thousands of experiences. Thousands of games," he wrote. "All on web3 rails, with mass concurrency, and in-game NFT transactions enabled (think: weapons, cosmetics, etc.) All on #apechain.”
After Goner's post, Tropical Virtual also elaborated on what it means to be powered by $Ape and what Otherside running on ApeChain will look like.
“ApeChain will handle all assets uploaded to Otherside,” he wrote. “And yes if you create UGC (User Generated Content) you can sell or purchase UGC with ApeCoin. And any transactions in your world will also be handled with ApeChain.”
As the Bored Ape Gazette previously reported, Yuga Labs’ VP of Product, PP Man, shared a video earlier this month showing what creating an object, minting it on $Ape, and bringing it to Otherside will look like.
At this time, it’s unclear when everyone in the Yugaverse will be able to build on Otherside, but we do know that Yuga Labs plans to let more creators try out the ODK soon.
“Excited for how the ODK is coming together, and grateful for the thoughtfulness and creativity of our couple pre-alpha testers,” Yuga Labs CEO Garga tweeted in July. “We'll be slowly ramping up more access throughout the alpha period, aiming to go from 3 to ~20 users/teams in August while we continue to pressure test and add features with our partners at Improbable. And then more from there. Slow, yes, but finally: steadily. Note: The best testers for these early stages are going to be folks already familiar with Unreal Engine. More info to come.”
The Bored Ape Gazette will continue to follow all things Otherside and will keep you updated on how you can apply to try out the ODK when more information becomes available. Stay tuned for updates!