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The Bored Ape Yacht Club Asked Members To Complete A KYC This Evening, Leads To Twitter Debates.

Bored Ape Yacht Club members are divided after the club released a cryptic tweet that asked holders to complete a Know Your Customer.

“Fuck it, again,,” The BAYC tweeted yesterday evening. “This has been building over the last seven months. @AnimocaBrands will launch the first phase, and there’s more to come. P.S. we don’t like KYCs either, but we think you’re going to want to be a part of this.”

Following the announcement, BAYC co-founder Gargamel took to the club’s Discord to address some concerns regarding the KYC.

“Sorry friends,” Gargamel wrote. “Animoca has required this for every launch of theirs as far as I know. Ya don’t need to do it from any particular wallet. And there’s a two-week period to do this.”

BAYC co-founder Gordon Goner echoed Gargamel’s comments in the discord saying that any wallet is fine for the KYC.

At the time of this articles publication not much is known about what the BAYC and its partner Anicoma Labs are brewing. This lack of clarity has left club members debating the pros and cons of completing a KYC check.

Longtime BAYC member, DFarmer took to Twitter to explain why he is against the KYC.

“KYC goes against all of the above and against most crypto ethics passed on by our cypherphunks fathers. Does the digital identity legend of Satoshi Nakamoto ring a very pseudonymous bell? This is also not about having something to hide, I’m as straight as they come: that privacy equals something bad is the most toxic, idiotic idea. And again, the most anticrypto. Remember permissionless? That’s what this space is fucking founded on. Privacy is one of the most basic human rights. Also, lol at people thinking this is a tax thing, and funny this take is usually coming from American and their americancentric view of literally everything: thankfully we don’t all live in a country where constant intrusion of privacy is normalized, nor in countries with similar ridiculous tax systems for crypto. It gets worse: this drop is asking for that level of sensible data without even telling you exactly what it’s for, and where all that is going. And this is just a VERY bad precedent and teaches bad crypto habits and crypto hygiene in general. Normalizing this is not good, no matter how much you love and trust the founders. And I think is known there’s probably not a biggest BAYC fan and supporter out there than myself, full stop. As well as a top 20 holder. But that doesn’t mean mindless cheerleading when something has been so badly delivered. The fact that people aped in the KYC seconds after the tweet, no questions asked is wild. So many did that the registration got overloaded and stopped working for a while. There have been tons of twitter and discord hacks in the last few months. Breathe. Take a minute. Hopefully @BoredApeYC gives us many more details about what this is for and why they need all this data for us, and how it will be used. I understand most just care about “numba go up” but I never have and never will let bag bias direct my ideas and what I stand for, so had to get this off my chest. Even as a top 20 bayc holder.”

As DFarmer explained his reasoning for objecting to the KYC, fellow BAYC member J1mmy.eth took to Twitter to explain his thoughts on the KYC.

“Do you have to provide ID when you use a credit card sometimes, J1mmy tweeted. “Or when you want to buy something cool like drugs or booze? or fly? or rent a car? you kyc all the time irl web3 is still in the real world with real rules and laws and stuff. we aren’t special.

J1mmy went on to tweet that he believes that KYC’s will be the norm going forward in the space. “Kyc will be the norm,” he said. ”Not sure why people think they have any say over this logical progression of the space. no one gives a fuck if you don’t like kyc. you will be left behind. that’s the outcome.”

While apes have different opinions on KYC, it appears that many in the BAYC wish that the club posted more information regarding what the KYC is for.

“I think the KYC isn’t the issue, it’s the lack of communication and knowing whether or not the personal information is being secured properly and what it’s actually being used for,”Sloop.eth tweeted. “Was pretty reckless by the BAYC team to do it like they did. It’s simple OPSEC.”

Based on tonight’s pushback regarding the KYC and the BAYC’s previous willingness to change plans on the fly, BAYC member Schiller believes the club will release more information soon.

“BAYC changed mobile game competition for the betterment of people grinding,” Schiller tweeted. “Made changes on the fly at NFT NYC with the yacht tickets (little late but looked for a resolution and acted once they had a plan). I imagine they'll give more info on KYC with people being so vocal.”

The Bored Ape Gazette will continue to cover the KYC requirement and let you know when any new information becomes available. Further, the Bored Ape Gazette completed the KYC in order to find out what information is required to complete the KYC. The Bored ape Gazette is also working on several articles about yesterday evenings post. Stay tuned for full coverage.

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