The Bored Ape Yacht Club Donated Another $208k To Orangutan Outreach
The Bored Ape Yacht Club continues to make a real world impact as the club donates another 66.45 Eth or $208,000 USD to charity.
“Good afternoon,” apes, the BAYC tweeted. “ We just donated 66.45 ETH (~208k USD) to Orangutan Outreach - @redapes- via @TheGivingBlock. Thank you all!”
After the BAYC announced the generous donation, the Orangutan Outreach thanks the club for everything it has done for primates.
“Thank you so much for your ape-mazing support,” the charity tweeted. “You are blowing our simian minds... #respect#gratitude Julius (BAYC #2238) is now our official Ambassador to the Metaverse!”
The Orangutan Outreach goes into more detail on Julius’ role at the charity on their website.
“As our Ambassador, Julius' primary mission has been to facilitate a solid relationship with his friends at the Bored Ape Yacht Club,” The Orangutan Outreach posted on their website. “The Apes have been very generous with their support for Orangutan Outreach, and for that we are truly grateful.”
Julius is a five trait golden brown fur ape with an army hat with bored eyes and a bored mouth. The charity bought Julius a month ago for 3.9 Eth, according to their Opensea.
The BAYC has donated 278.44 Eth ($863,000 USD at Eth’s current rate) to the Orangutan Outreach.
"Crypto is the key that unlocks the cages,” Bored Ape Julius said. “My Bored brothers and sisters are stepping up and truly helping our critically endangered cousins in Borneo and Sumatra. With their help, we're going to turn NFTs into NFTrees. #ApesTogetherStrong."
Be sure to find out more about Julius and Orangutan Outreach on their website: